
Welcome to CARRP – Citizens Against Religious Recruitment Practices.

Why this website? Because christians are narcissistic obsessive lunatics in the name of “god”.

We are fighting excessive bullying tactics used by Christians to convert people who simply are not interested, or choose to keep religion a private topic to themselves.

How about give Jesus a break and start praising controlling your habits!

Christians are very disrespectful of others in the name of Jesus, and it needs to stop!

Are you a religious person who is out there recruiting new candidates for your cult? You need to stop if someone requests it. Not everyone is interested in religious topics for discussion, and you never know what another person’s personal views are. They also are not required to tell you. Otherwise you’re being rude and obnoxious, and that cannot be tolerated, nor respected.

Are you using your religious beliefs to manipulate and control others based on how, and who you think they should be? Buzz off with that noise right now!

Have you felt the wrath of Christians, and you are sick and tired of it like I am? Then this website is for you. I have created CARRP – Citizens Against Religious Recruitment Practices, for people just like you and I.

This website was launched with two purposes. The first purpose is to provide a space to readers where they can submit their stories about how religious people in their lives caused them mental anguish, or ill treatment based on religion and/or narcissistic needs for controlling someone else in general. CARRP is here to pass the message that some religious people need to control themselves, and stop trying to control others.

The second purpose is to give a business card of sorts in website form with a web address to non-religious people who do not wish to be badgered by Christian recruiting tactics. CARRP respects Christians choice to follow their religion. We do not endorse harrassment for it. If you are being constantly bothered by a Christian who wants to convert you to their religion, send them a link to this website where they can get the message to stop. Everyone has the right to make their choices about religion in privacy.

Has someone attacked you with religious recruitment tactics you are not interested in? CARRP agrees with our United States Constitution that a person has a right to follow any religion he or she may choose. We do not believe a person has any right to badger and bully another person with acceptance tactics. If someone tells a religious person that he or she is not interested in the script, then that should be the end of discussion about that topic.

Have you been told you shouldn’t speak a certain way, should or shouldn’t say certain things, dress a certain way, present yourself a certain way in personality, or give “respect” a certain way, and not to expect any in return, based on someone’s beliefs in who and how they think you should be?

Have you been manipulated and made to feel trapped if you don’t do as you are ordered?

These things are horribly wrong, and people doing it to you, do not deserve your full attention in this life!

If you are having a problem with a religious person, send them to this website where they can get a clue to stop harrassing you.

People young and old need to know you have the right to choose religion, but should never be forced into it.

Simply tell them, your thoughts on the matter are studied in private, and drop this website on them. The dialog above should be enough to help you resolve your problem if they have any respect for you, and are a true Christian.

Submit your story:

CARRP (Citizens Against Religious Recruiting Practices) provides a voice to victims of Christian harassment, and a manipulation. If you have been a victim, and have been given mental anguish, anxiety, aggravation, and felt controlled by a Christian’s narcissistic need to manipulate you, please write about it and submit your story to go up on the blog here at CARRPHQ.com where others can read about how Christians truly act when they aren’t preaching.

We look forward to hearing from you.